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Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor @ $10,000

  • Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor of the Annual Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials for the conference
  • Opportunity to present during a session at the Annual Conference (on a topic of interest to attendees and related to your industry knowledge)
  • Corporate Exhibitor Table at Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to give a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to place a promotional item in the goodie bags or at the attendee seats
  • Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor of the Spring Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials for the conference
  • Corporate Exhibitor Table at Spring Conference
  • Opportunity to present during a general session at the Spring Conference (on a topic of interest to attendees and related to your industry knowledge)
  • Opportunity for a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Spring Conference
  • Opportunity for two (2) direct mailings (print or electronic) to all FACP member chambers
  • Listed as Corporate Sponsor with logo on home page
  • Listed as Corporate Sponsor with logo on newsletter and all electronic and printed promotional material
  • Four (4) registrations to be used at Annual or Spring Conference (or combination)
  • Annual Vendor/Industry Partner Membership

Gold Sponsor @ $5,000

  • Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor of the Annual Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials for the conference
  • Opportunity to present during a general session at the Annual Conference (on a topic of interest to attendees and related to your industry knowledge)
  • Corporate Exhibitor Table at Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to give a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to place a promotional item in the goodie bags or at the attendee seats
  • Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor of the Spring Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials for the conference
  • Corporate Exhibitor Table at Spring Conference
  • Opportunity for a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Spring Conference
  • Opportunity for one (1) direct mailing (print or electronic) to all FACP member chambers
  • Listed as Corporate Sponsor with logo on home page
  • Listed as Corporate Sponsor with logo on newsletter and all electronic and printed promotional material
  • Three (3) registrations to be used at Annual or Spring Conference (or combination)
  • Annual Vendor/Industry Partner Membership

Silver Sponsor @ $2,500

  • Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor of the Annual Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials for the conference
  • Corporate Exhibitor Table at Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to give a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to place a promotional item in the goodie bags or at the attendee seats
  • Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor of the Spring Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials for the conference
  • Corporate Exhibitor Table at Spring Conference
  • Opportunity for a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Spring Conference
  • Listed as Corporate Sponsor with logo on home page
  • Listed as Corporate Sponsor with logo on newsletter and all electronic and printed promotional material
  • Two (2) registrations to be used at Annual or Spring Conference (or combination)
  • Annual Vendor/Industry Partner Membership

​Exhibitor Package @ $1,000

  • Recognition as an Exhibitor at the Annual Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials
  • Exhibitor Table at Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to give a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Annual Conference
  • Recognition as an Exhibitor at the Spring Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials
  • Exhibitor Table at Spring Conference
  • Opportunity for a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the Spring Conference
  • Annual Vendor/Industry Partner Membership

​Champion @ $750

  • Recognition as an Exhibitor at the Annual Conference –OR- the Spring Conference with logo on all printed and electronic materials
  • Exhibitor Table at conference
  • Opportunity to give a two-minute infomercial addressing attendees in a general session at the conference